Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pins and Needles.

Hi everybody! Hope you are doing well!

My leg muscles are hurting and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why until last night. On Sunday, I walked home from church. I volunteered in children's church after going to my normal service and then decided it was a nice day so I walked home instead of calling Mr. Beads for a ride.

Well it's a nice walk but it's a nice walk...uphill! You don't notice these things when you drive. ;D It's almost 2 miles. And the uphill part makes my front leg muscles hurt. The ones near your shins that I didn't know existed? It's an interesting experience. So my legs feel a little pins and needly.

In other pins news, I made my first one! I am very excited! See it here:

And one more because I love to wear this jacket because the collar goes so far up.

And I forgot to post up my Twilight necklace when I made it. Here it is!

It sold pretty quickly! I will make sure I have enough of this same color and then I'll list it again.

Wish my poor body luck recovering! I neglected to mention earlier that on Friday I stretched and somehow strained a back muscle. I'm falling apart at the tender age of 29!


Jennifer said...

Beatuiful work as always! Take care of that body :)

Deidra said...

I love that sweet little pin! Sounds as if your shins could use a bit of ice. Take care!

miznyc said...

thanks ladies!