Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm back. Pow!

Hi everybody! *waves frantically!*

I'm back and feeling pretty darn good! I've spent the last couple of days playing with my camera and I no longer feel totally intimidated by it. And I LOVE IT!!!! I took some shots today of Young Master Beads and while I loved my little Canon Powershot there is not a chance in heck it matches up to this camera (Canon Rebel XSi). Pow!

I'm really into saying "Pow!" right now. I picked it up from one of celebrity gossip blogs and can't stop. Don't go trying to find what celeb blogs I follow. lol. I am a bit ashamed that I like to read about these other people's lives.

So I have a new piece to reveal tomorrow! Mostly I am excited that I took halfway decent shots of it with the new camera. :D Yay! Look for a pic tomorrow sometime or visit the shop and look under the "new this week" tab tomorrow. It will be there!



2ndComing is an Illustrator said...

I'm off to google celebrities, blogs, and pow :-P

miznyc said...

lol. stop trying to out me.