Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hearts for Haiti

I can't believe I didn't post this before! I haven't written about the devastating situation in Haiti on here (well because I haven't really been posting much lately). I have started a special section in my shop called "we all can help" and either all proceeds or a percentage of the proceeds from each piece in that section will be going to the Red Cross.

No one has taken me up on it yet in my shop, but because I know there is strength in numbers, I have also donated work over in this fantastic shop called Hearts for Haiti on Etsy. All the pieces have been donated by artisans on Etsy and the proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. I'm happy to say my first piece sold over there. Woot! I am in great company as so far over 1,000 pieces have sold raising more than $20,000.00!!! All this in under 2 weeks. Many hands make light work.

If you are an artisan, please consider making a donation and if you are itching to buy, consider purchasing something there! Click the link: Hearts for Haiti

1 comment:

Jen said...

I had no idea about this shop! I just checked it out and am super wowed!